October 17, 2020
ry/binaries/pdf/SAGE_Harvard_reference_style.pdf Thomas Aquinas on `Good and Evil`
October 17, 2020



Students will need to apply the combined knowledge and techniques gained from both the Understanding Strategic Management and Applied Strategic Management modules.

Word Limit

The word limit of the report is 2,000 words

The assignment should include the following:

1. Compulsory Formative 350 Word Outline (not included in 2000 words)

2. 1 page executive summary (not included in 2000 words)

3. Table of contents

4. An appraisal of the internal and external environment of the company,

i. Porter’s 5 Forces of PEPSI

ii. Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) of PEPSI

iii. TOWS Matrix of PEPSI

5. A review of the strategic options available to the company and recommendations for future strategic direction.

6. Recommendations for structures, systems and policies to implement these strategies successfully.

7. Conclusion

? Please refer to the attached example assignment of Adidas and Strategy Worksheet to do this report

? Please add appropriate Tables, Graphs, Charts or Diagrams into the report like the example assignment of Adidas.

The following items are not included in 2,000 word limit:

• Title page

• Compulsory Formative 350 Word Outline

• Table of Contents

• Executive Summary

• List of references and/or bibliography

• Appendices

• Any Tables, Graphs, Charts, or Diagrams

Reference: Harvard style

Number of sources: 20 or more

* Sources should include books, journals, articles, online websites (e.g. Pepsi official website), online journals and online articles, etc.

Text book recommend to use in reference: Lynch, Richard (2012) Strategic Management 6th Edition, Prentice Hall


The project should be written in an executive report format using headings and sub-headings for explanation and analysis. Diagrams should be used where appropriate.

Compulsory Formative 350 Word Outline (not marked)

All students undertaking this module MUST submit a 350 word outline on their preliminary choice of a company. Students should indicate the name of the company (Pepsi), a brief outline of its activities and explain why this company was selected for the analysis by briefly presenting, in bullet point format, the main strategic challenges that the firm is or may be facing.

The following sections should be included:

1. The selected company

2. An outline of the activities of the company and a definition of its external environment

3. The strategic challenge that the firm is or may be facing

4. Where/how can you obtain information of this company?