Strategic, operational, team and individual plans. Academic Essay

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September 3, 2020

Strategic, operational, team and individual plans. Academic Essay

Question 1

Describe to the team the relationship between strategic, operational, team and individual plans.

You decide to re- allocate the work to be done in various job roles within the team. Briefly describe five things you would consider when making this decision.

Question 2

The team members seem to have no idea about what is expected of them in their job. They also have a poor opinion about how their performance has been managed in the past. You decide to have a team meeting to discuss the changes you are proposing to introduce.

Explain to the team what key result areas / critical success factors are; how these influence the choice of key performance indicators/ standards; and why these are written using SMART principles. Include an appropriate example of a key result area / critical success factor and a key performance indicator/ standard in your explanation. (Mark 10)

Justify to the team why documentation is so important in a performance management system and explain the risks in not effectively managing this type of information.

Question 3

Formal and informal feedback has not been provided to the team in the past. Individual team members are critical of the lack of direction in their job and in their career with the company.

List the four ways in which informal feedback can be given to individuals and evaluate two different formal feedback approaches, such as Management by Objective, that would provide individuals with more formal feedback.

Explain how you as a manger can motivate staff through this formal appraisal of performance and how self- appraisal by the staff member can also motivate future performance.

List four different ways in which you could reward and recognise the performance of individuals and explain the advantages and disadvantages of using on-the-job coaching as a way of confirming excellence in performance.

Question 4

You recognise that to encourage continuous improvement within the team, especially for individuals who are not performing well, you need performance improvement and development plans for all team members.

Produce a development / personal action plan for an individual who is having difficulty with meeting deadlines.
Explain how you will monitor the effectiveness of this plan.
If the individual’s performance does not improve and performance continues to decline, what other actions will you take to help improve the performance?

Question 5

If some individuals continue to perform below expectations you may be faced with the situation of terminating their employment.

Explain the benefits of being proactive in managing unsatisfactory performance
Describe the steps you should take to ensure that, if termination of employment is necessary, this happens in accordance with organisational and legal requirements.

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Posted on May 28, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions