Strategic Marketing Management

Research methodology
June 13, 2020
: Ethical Thinking and Decisions
June 13, 2020

Strategic Marketing Management

reflaction;BUS-4563 – Strategic Marketing Management

CL02    Perform extensive environmental, customer and competitive analysis using a range of sources and theoretical frameworks
CL03    Compare and contrast different approaches for creating competitive and sustainability market positioning
CL04    Appraise the role of branding, innovation, integrated marketing communications and customer relationships etc. for creating customer value
CL05    Develop innovative marketing strategies for business organizations

Project Overview
This is the Reflective Report which is directly related to the SimBrand simulation and is weighted at 25% of your semester grade. This is an individual assessment piece and even though you are working on the simulation within a team you are still expected to compile the information required, write, and submit this as an individual student.

The purpose of this report is to allow students to explore and show their understanding of what they are doing. This also provides evidence that you are considering the changes from decision period to decision period.
The most important resource outside the simulation itself will be the SimBrand Decision Making Guide.
There are also resources such as the SimBrand Case Description and the SimBrand Marketing Research guide already available. In addition to these resources which are available in both the simulation resources section and the BbLearn course site, students have the progressive Market Updates within SimBrand itself plus the results and changes from the initial rounds as they make their way through the simulation.

Students may also wish to look at the course materials whether that be utilizing the text or PowerPoint summaries that have been provided via the BbLearn course site. In addition there are numerous online resources they can utilize to add to and enhance the quality of their work.

Project Requirements

Students must note that there are elements of this reflection that need to be included within the other major assessment item. Also there are elements of this which must be completed on a weekly basis prior to the final submission. It is vital that students take this assessment very seriously and start working on it in conjunction with the simulation, as parts will change as the stages of the simulation change elements of the environment.

Summary decision reflections are due each week that the simulation is running, then a final comprehensive reflection is required to be submitted via BbLearn at the end of Week 15 of the course; a week after the simulation has finished.

Your Task

For the final submission you must include Cover Sheet and Title Page and submit the assignment via BbLearn.  It is recommended that the report sections not exceed suggested page length.

Approx Page Length    Section Titles    Contents

1    Table of Contents    Please use proper English, formatting, grammar, whitespace and references if required. (5 Marks overall  for mechanics)
1    Executive Summary    A concise summary of the major points to be found in the report. (Complete this as part of PART 3!). (2 marks)

Part 1: Based on the company prior to the commencement of SimBrand (23 marks)

1    Brand Overview    Name and Logo, products, and any other scene setting information you feel you need to provide. (2 marks)

1.5    Situation Analysis    Industry and company
•    Summary of relevant background information on the market, (2)

•    Summaries of relevant background information on the Completion  (2)

•    Summaries of relevant background information on the Macro environment  (4)

1.5-2.5    Key Issues, Objectives, and generic strategies.    •    Summary of the main opportunities and threats to the products (2)
•    Summary of the main strengths and weaknesses to the products (3)

•    Summary of objectives set out the goals in terms of sales volume and market share (4)

•    Summary of the overall strategic approaches that will be used to meet objectives (4)

Part 1 above is a written summary of the main points started during your presentation – Assessment #2 Please build upon what was done within the presentation. You may wish to change elements from the groups approach, but the final decision is yours.

Within Part 2, you will progressively submit updates via BbLearn covering your individual and group decisions. These then need to be submitted in conjunction with your entire report at the end of the simulation. It is important to keep in mind that each simulation round is representative of a financial year and thus you will be reflecting on your brands performance over a two year period. These reflections do not start until Week 2 to give you time to think about the requirements and mechanics of the simulation as well as being able to focus on Part 1 while completing both the practice and initial rounds.

Part 2: SimBrand reflections for Weeks 2-5 (50 Points – 10 points per round)

Decision Assessment
•    Analyze the performance of your company in relation to your strategic decisions in the previous round and present well-reasoned explanations of the successes or failures of your decisions and any adjustments you will need to make.
•    The first one will be the results from your first week of decisions. (5 marks)

Decision Rationale

•    A description of the coming year’s decisions with rationale.  These should come from your notes from the time the decision is made (this makes the process easier).
•    The first one will be for the second week of decisions. (5 Marks)

Part 3: Reflection on SimBrand and the final results after the 6th week (20 points)
Simulation Assessment
(20  marks)
•    You should evaluate the performance and decisions made within the final round (5 marks).

•    Evaluate the final results of the simulation. How did you perform overall and did your team win? If not, why? What is the end result for the market and competitive environment  (10 marks)

0.5    Conclusion
Any short concluding comments, which you deem necessary to complete the report.  May include personal opinions on the total simulation experience and/or advice for future players. (5)

Recommended maximum Length is 12-14 pages.  Relevant tables, graphs, charts, etc. are welcome as long as they are referred to in the body of your report in a meaningful way; charts alone are not sufficient explanation of your performance.