Chapt. 1
1. Give a short account of the history of the company, and trace the evolution of its strategy. Try to determine wether the strategic evaluation of your company is the product of intended strategies, emergent strategies, or come combination of the two.
2. Identify the mission and major goals of the company.
3. Do a preliminary analysis of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company and the opportunities and threats that it faces in its environment. On the basis of this analysis, identify the strategies that you think the company should pursue.
Chapt. 2
4. Apply the competitive forces model to the industry in which your company is based. What does this model tell you about the nature of competition in the industry?
5. Are any changes taking place in the macroenvironment that might have an impact, positive or negative, on the industry in which your company is based? If so, what are these changes, and how might they affect the industry?
6. Identify any strategic groups that might exist in the industry. How does the intensity of competition differ across these strategies groups?
7. How dynamic is the industry in which your company is based? Is there any evidence that innovation is reshaping competition or has done so in the recent past?
8. In what stage of its life cycle is the industry in which your company is based? What are the implications of this for the intensity of competition now? In the future?
9. Is your company part of an industry that is becoming more global? if so, what are the implications of this change for competitive intensity?
10. Analyze the impact of the national context as it pertains to the industry in which your company is based. Does the national context help or hinder your company in achieving a competitive advantage in the global marketplace?
Chapt. 3
11. Identify wether your company has a competitive advantage or disadvantage in its primary industry. (its primary industry is the one in which it has the most sales).
12. Evaluate your company against the four generic building blocks of competitive advantage: efficiency, quality, innovation, and responsiveness to customers. How does this exercise help you understand the performance of your company relative to its competitors?
13. What are the distinctive competencies of your company?
14. What are the barriers to imitating the distinctive competencies of your company?
15. Is there any evidence that your company finds it difficult to adapt to changing industry conditions? if so, why do you think this is the case?
Chapt. 4
All below questions as can be determined:
16. Is your company pressing any of the efficiency-enhancing practices discussed in this chapt?
17. Is your company pressing any of the quality-enhancing practices discussed in this chapt?
18. is your company persuing any of the practices designed to enhance innovation discussed in this chapt?
19. Is your company pressing any of the practices designed to increase responsiveness to customers discussed in this chapt?
20. Evaluate the completive position of your company with regard to your answers to questions 16, 17, 18, 19. Explain what, if anything, the company must do to improve its competitive position.
Chapt. 5
21. Which market segments is your company serving?
22. What business-level strategy is your company pressing?
23. how is your company executing its business-level strategy through actions at the functional level, and through organizational arrangements? How ell is it doing? Are there things it could do differently?
24. Take a blue ocean approach to your company, and ask if it could and/or should change its business-level strategy by eliminating, reducing, raising, or creating factors related to its product offering.
Chapt. 6
25. In what kind of industry environment (e.g., embryonic, mature, ect.) does your company operate? Use the information from Strategic Management Project: Module 2 to answer this question.
26. Discuss how your company has attempted to develop strategies to protect and strengthen its business model. For example, if your company is operating in an embryonic industry, how has it attempted to increase its competitive advantage over time? If it operates in a mature industry, discuss how it has tried to manage industry competition.
27. What new strategies would you advise your company to peruse to increase its competitive advantage? For example, how should your company attempt to differentiate its products in the future, or lower its cost structure?
28. On the basis of this analysis, do you think your company will be able to maintain its competitive advantage int he future? Why or why not?
Chapt. 7
29. What is the dominant product technology used in the industry in which your company is based?
30. What are the attributes of the majority of customersf purchasing the product of your company (e.g., early adopters, early majority, late majority)? What does this tell you about the strategies issues that the company is likely to face in the future?
31. Are intellectual property rights important to your company? If so, what strategies is it adopting to protect those rights? is it doing enough?
Chapt. 8
32. Is your company creating value or lowering costs of value creation by realizing location economies, transferring distinctive competencies abroad, or realizing cost economies for the economies of scale? If not, does it have the potential to do so?
33. how responsive is your company to differences among nations? Does it vary its product and marketing message from country to country? Should it?
34. What are the cost pressures and pressures for local responsiveness in the industry in which your company is based?
35. What strategy is your company pursuing to compete globally? In your opinion, is this the correct strategy, given cost pressures and pressures for local responsiveness?
36. What major foreign market does your company serve, and what mode has it used to enter this market? Why is your company active in these markets and not others? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this mode? Might another mode be preferable?
Chapt. 9
37. Has your company ever persued a horizontal integration strategy? What was the strategies reason for pressing this strategy?
38. How vertically integrated is your company? In what stages of the industry value chain does it operate?
39. Assess the potential for your company to increase profitability through vertical integration. In reaching your assessment, also consider the bureaucratic costs of managing vertical integration.
40. On the basis of your assessment in question 3, do you think your company should (a) outsource some operations that are currently performed in house or (b) bring some operations in house that are currently outsourced? Justify your recommendations.
41. Is your company involved in any long-term cooperative relationships with suppliers or buyers? If so, how are these relationships structured? Do you think that these relationships add value to the company? Why or why not?
42. Is there any potential for your company to enter into (additional) long-term cooperative relationships with suppliers or buyers? If so, how might these relationships be structured?
Chapt 11
43. Identify the main stakeholder groups in your company. What claims do they place on the company? How is the company trying to satisfy those claims?
44. Evaluate the performance of the CEO of your company from the perspective of (a) stockholders, (b) employees, © customers, and (d) suppliers. What dose this evaluation tell you about the ability of the CEO and the priorities that he or she is committed to?
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