Healthcare for At-Risk Children
June 5, 2020
Effective and Ineffective Assessment Practices
June 5, 2020

Strategic Management

Choose an organisation in which you are interested. Write a 3000 word essay in which you use strategic management frameworks to:

•    Outline the organisation”s current strategy and sources of competitive advantage or disadvantage (Based on resources and capabilities, core competencies, core rigidities or dynamic capabilities).

•    Analyse and evaluate either a recent period of change or a period of international expansion.
•    The analysis of strategic change should cover the context, content and process of change and evaluate the results
•    The analysis of a period internationalisation should cover the motivation to internationalise, the reasons for selecting the target country/region, the selected internationalisation strategy and the results.
•    Comment on the leadership of the organisation during this period and the organisational issues which the leader needed to address.