strategic analysis for your industry and organisation

Business Law.week7assignment
May 18, 2020
Find good accounting periodical and describe what makes it leading
May 18, 2020

strategic analysis for your industry and organisation

strategic analysis for your industry and organisation


Complete the strategic analysis for your industry and organisation which has been emailed to you. You will need to download the annual reports for your organisation and its competitors (Both reports are attached) to get up to date information.

The case study assignment is submitted by completing the diagnostic and business plan fields in the Entreact system ( ). Use the Table of Contents page in the Business Plan navigation tree to select the fields you have populated to generate a report.

Hints on using the Entreact Diagnostic

€¢ access the website ( ) with user name (Abdulrahman.Bugshan) password (fd73eb79)
€¢ Under organisation, select ACTTAB Limited.
€¢ Under product/service, select Horse and sports betting.
€¢ Now, in the left hand side, under diagnostic in plan navigation tree, product or service, strategic analysis, marketing and operations will appear.
€¢ Click on each of these sections (except for marketing and operations) , and complete the questions. You should be able to answer them after reading company and industry reports (note if the information you need is not in both reports, access the company website and look for information
€¢ The purpose of completing these sections is to generate graphs and table from the system that will help in writing the business plan. For example, if you complete the product influences under the product or service, an icon (market attractiveness) will appear in the top right hand side. If you click on it, a chart will be shown in the screen. This chart will be helpful in writing the report.
€¢ After completing all required sections, click on business plan tap on the left hand corner down the page.
€¢ This is the writing part.
€¢ Each section has instruction on what to write. Please write on all of them except for marketing plan and operations plan section
€¢ After completing all sections you can export them to word document by clicking export word’ tab under table of contents’.
€¢ Please note there are two examples of already finished diagnostic and business plans, look at them for more information. You can access both examples by clicking on the organisation tap. The two examples are green storage and bridge test.
€¢ Also I have attached two examples of business plans so you can have idea of what the final report should look like.