Students are required to submit a review of two recent (within the last 10 years) court cases that have clarified two areas of importance
October 14, 2020
American Family
October 15, 2020



Read the following items (these are the only sources that can be used in the paper):

A. “The Oxford Declaration on Christian Faith and Economics”;

B. “A Statement on Biblical Justice”; StatementonBiblicalJustice.pdf

C. “Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice”;

D. Genesis 1–3; Deuteronomy 26–33; Amos; and Luke 5:27–32 and 10:25–37.

Prepare a three page integrated critique of the above readings. Clearly articulate a working definition of stewardship, explore the implications of that definition for the decision-making process, and examine the ramifications of the working definition for business management practices.