Stay factual and descriptive; Informational article.

The Element of Alternative Liability
May 14, 2020
The Danger of a single story
May 14, 2020

Stay factual and descriptive; Informational article.

Stay factual and descriptive; Informational article.

-Provide work that’s original with good grammar & sentence formation
-Write simplify sentences & Text.
-Materials must be grammatically correct, spell checked and proof read.
-There should be absolutely no plagiarism (this will be thoroughly checked).
-Articles should be an interesting read and properly researched.
-The articles you write should be logical, make sense and should be relevant to the topic.
-We will own all (100% ) copyrights to the submitted work. You agree not to reuse, rewrite or redistribute article content for any other purpose; in any way for any reason.