Essay on Kurt Vonneguts Bluebeard.Essay on Kurt Vonneguts Bluebeard.
July 22, 2020
Review Accounting Ethics
July 22, 2020

Starting a Business Online

Starting a Business Online, Part 1E-Commerce business is promising to be lucrative for merchants who have their customers located in diverse areas. However, E-commerce experiences a hybrid of problems, common examples being environmental, legal and safety concerns. The commencing discussion will attempt to explore on the possibility of conducting a Small online clothes store, and how to use the SWOT analysis tool to structure down potential problems. The document will as well provide that; abidance to the law is an essential factor in managing an online market store. To achieve this, the paper is structured into four main parts. The first part will critically examine how the SWOT tool is essential in testing feasibility test for the business. The second part will attempt to examine logistical determinants courtesy of culture, language, government, and infrastructure and how these factors will influence the online venture. The third part will look into mechanisms of complying with the law, and diverse interests of stakeholders. The fourth part analyzes safety precaution mechanisms, which can be applied to ensure cybercrime does not affect Jersey Shore boardwalk market venture.The Strength Weakness Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis tool will determine whether Jersey Shore boardwalk is in a position to handle challenges accustomed by online businesses. Primarily, the SWOT tool will specify objectives of the business, and inversely identify internal and external determinants; which influences the various factors in favor or against the objectives of the business. The strengths included in taking a business online, is firstly ease-of-management. It is easier to upload new product on the online shop, and inversely subcontract delivery companies to deliver clothes for customers. Secondly, an online business attracts quite a significant potential to get reliable customers. Shepherd (2010, p. 102) argues that online business platform provides equal opportunities for all; therefore, in most situation legitimate factors; for instance, quality and ease of shipping dominate buyers decisions. Other advantages include; ease of accessing business information and ease of access to diverse areas. However, looking on the demerits, there are weaknesses associated with an online business venture. Firstly, the seller will not be able to interact with the buyer; thus, the buyer can leave the shop before making a buying decision. Secondly, online businesses are constantly faced by hacking and fraudsters threats. Other demerits associated with online business include copyrights laws. Based on this, it is clear taking this business online will be for the greater good of the business.This business models targets diverse customers in different regions globally. To achieve this, the business should be prepared to face culture, legal and infrastructure challenges. To manage this, the business tackles a vibrant privacy policy, one that details company views and visitors. This will be vital in tracking spy robots and Trojan horses, which will break the trust-code severally (PrivacyTrust, 2013). Secondly, the issue of culture and language is an eminent concern in setting an international business. It is suggestive to have a multi-lingua website one that feature primary languages; for instance, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German and Portuguese. These options can be customized on the home page of the new guest.Similarly, the issue of culture should be taken into close consideration taking to account the business will be attempting to trade clothes, which are not widely acceptable in various cultures. To ensure the business meet the demands of various cultures, each language will load a complete customized Graphical User Interface (GUI) based on the region and language of the visitor. For, instance, the Arabic version customized load GUI will depicts the presence of Mosques and trade items in Jersey Shore boardwalk will include amongst others a Kanzu.Thirdly, observing the government laws and other regulations will be very essential. Since the business operates online, there is no much evidence of sales. However, the clothes that the business is re-trading are bought somewhere from another merchant in bulk. This proves that Jersey Shore boardwalk is a commercial business, which will require filing of tax returns, either Value Added Tax or Export Tax or any other tax relevant to the jurisdiction.Lastly, the infrastructure debate has continued attracting concerns about how substantial it is in online business. Nonetheless, the consideration that Jersey Shore boardwalk operates in procurements, stores and delivery mechanisms. For instance, if a customer is located in challenging terrain with no proper reliable transport mechanism, and then the cost of delivery is inclusive, which was not actually included in the original shipping bill.There is a close consideration that technology changes the face of business development. This phrase affects the legal environment of e-commerce business on several accounts. The problem with web businesses is because they attract quite a significant number of diversified stakeholders. Courts (local or foreign), have found it harder to impose jurisdiction over web transactions. However, for the purpose of business decorum it is essential to comply with stipulations of the law. The stakeholder involved in Jersey Shore boardwalk are; Customer (local or foreign), employees (local or foreign), the governments (local or foreign), and investors. It is good to ensure that demands of each stakeholder and are met. Customers need reliable services, once they make an automated pay, a good need to be derived promptly. To achieve this, the company will contract reliable companies; for instance, DHL who have a reliable delivery mechanism globally. Secondly, to ensure that stakeholder stipulations are met, Jersey Shore boardwalk will require orienting a payroll mechanism, one which will look on the micro-economic performance of the company. Thirdly, the government laws (local or foreign) vary differently. This can only be achieved by proper signatories of contracts. Contract will oblige Jersey Shore boardwalk to comply with environmental, tax and work conditions regulation and requirements. Jersey Shore boardwalk will be issued with a tax compliance certificate. Fourthly, investors will require scoping their initial investment fund. This will be achieved by ensuring that Jersey Shore boardwalk has professional staff on board. Staff will be oriented to ensure they understand the dynamics of the business on several accounts.Online cyber crimes refer criminal exploitation over the internet. Mann & Sutton (2010) argues that Net-crimes are offences that are committed against an individual by an individual with a criminal motive to defraud the victim. The range of attacks varies from soft or hard approach. Hard approach is the real hacking of the DMZ and server rooms while soft approaches is the usage of treachery techniques; for instance, phishing language through chat rooms, emails, groups forums or notice boards. Research has also attempted to associate the forwarding of obscene or offensive content to cyber crime since after all cybercrime in definition; is significant mental harm to a victim. In all situations, Jersey Shore boardwalk is vulnerable to activities of cyber crime, and to manage this, I will personally ensure that Jersey Shore boardwalk is registered to appropriate pays systems. Paypal, Mastercard and Payoneer are reliable platforms which ensure customers are well protected. Secondly, suspicious customers will be disconnected from Jersey Shore boardwalk. These are customers who are insisting on lengthy talks with our staff. Thirdly, I will ensure that our systems are well protected. First, I will perform essential security updates on all computers anti-viruses to ensure malware, spyware or Trojan horses are not present. Secondly, if Jersey Shore boardwalk happens to have a working LAN, I will install a firewall and a small DMZ, where packets will be sniffed by entering and exiting the network, and as well, hire a professional to build the TCP/IP security addressing system. In this case, I will install packet sniffers tools to ensure that packets are well investigated. Thirdly, I will ensure that passwords are updated regularly; these are mail, and application passwords. Fourthly, I will keep mails cleaned; spam and unknown destination will be dealt on first arrival. Finally, I will involve the local police if suspicious attempts are identified.This document has attempted to examine the possibility of taking Jersey Shore boardwalk online. The discussion has centered to focus more on environmental, legal and safety factors and the SWOT analysis mechanism. In particular, the document has stipulated on the prudent inter-relation with legal factors, and how authorities are essential provides safety concern for online business. Also, the document has provided technical measurements that the business may apply to avoid challenges associated with cybercrime.ReferencesMann, D., & Sutton, M., (November 6, 2010). Netcrime. Retrieved January14, 2014, from PrivacyTrust. (September 26, 2013). Retrieved January 142014 from Shepherd, J. (2007). New York: GlobePequot 13 (4) 102-103.