Starbucks and Clay Christensen’s milkshake analogy

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Starbucks and Clay Christensen’s milkshake analogy

Starbucks and Clay Christensen’s milkshake analogy

Resource: Milkshakes: Understanding the Job video
I need help getting started with this.

Determine and list the basic utility of Starbuck’s coffee.
Identify Starbuck’s current marketing and promotional strategies and explain how the manufacturer wants its consumers to use it.
Use Clay Christensen’s milkshake analogy and write a 250-500 word discussion to answer the following:

What is the product’s job?
What are the substitutions?
What alternative marketing strategies could be implemented to redefine the utility of your product?
In addition to the product’s original market, how will product definition change its target market?
What effects will re-marketing your product have on current consumer behavior?
What are the risks of implementing Clay Christensen’s milkshake analogy?
What additional consumer needs are satisfied by using Clay Christensen’s approach?