The written case assignments are to be prepared on an individual basis. It is expected that the content of your written case reflects your thoughts and analysis rather than the work of others. The nature of the written assignment will be announced a week before the written case is due and guidelines put up on e-companion. In general, you will perform a thorough case analysis to include identification of the company’s main problems, the main issue you will address, alternatives to that issue, a recommendation, an action plan to implement it, and an evaluation of the results for the company by following that action plan.
Examples of cases receiving high marks from prior semesters are available for review in the document sharing section of the course website.
The criteria for grading written case presentations include:
1. Evidence of ability to size-up the organization’s situation and to identify key problems/issues.
2. Use of appropriate analytical techniques, sound logic, and well-supported arguments in evaluating the organization’s present condition and future prospects.
3. Evidence of ability to formulate realistic and workable recommendations for action.
4. Thoroughness — both (a) scope and coverage and (b) depth of analysis.
5. Evidence of ability to use good communication skills (including the use of charts, tables, graphs, and figures).
6. Evidence of adequate preparation, pride of workmanship, and display of professional attitude and approach.
If you receive a 75 or higher on the first written case, you may elect to not do the full second written case. In this situation, your grade from the first case will carry through for 60 percent of the second case grade. The remaining 40 percent of your grade will be on a two page summary of the second case to include one issue (must be financially related), two alternatives, and a recommendation (with pros and cons) but no action plan and one financial attachment. More details will be provided to those who have that option.
Individual written case assignments are due turned in complete to Assignments (at Sakai) on the day the case is scheduled.
This will automatically create an electronic file of each written case (but not the Glo-Bus strategic analysis report) which is then uploaded to Assignments submitted to will be included as source documents in a restricted access database solely for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism in such documents. As part of this process, you may be required to submit electronic as well as hard copies of your writing. By taking this course, you agree that all assignments may be subject to some form of originality review. A paper not submitted according to procedures and format set by the teacher will not be accepted. Failure to ‘get your paper in on time to assignments will result in a letter grade reduction in the final grade for that paper for each business day you are late. You will need to email the instructor the case when it is complete as you will be locked out of Sakai – Assignments.
All written case assignments are to be prepared individually: ANY group work is out of bounds.†If two students submit the same written assignment (or the same parts of an assignment – such as the SWOT) both will, at a minimum, receive zeros for the assignment and may receive other official reprimands.
Individual Written Case analysis Here is a video link on how to complete your strategic plan. It will not answer all your questions, but it should get you started and if you reference the help screens mentioned, then you should be fine.
Make sure you COMPLETE and FINALIZE your decision before you work on the last page – the company operating reports section of the plan.
Also, do NOT worry if you have any red flags at the bottom of the last page (company/geographic operating reports) after you are complete. That is normal.