In 1000 words, your essay will pursue one main argument concerning a particular relationship between standardized education and the individual, using two of the three sources previously discussed, namely The Banking Concept of Education, The Achievement of Desire, and An Education, to support your claims. Standardized education means different things to different people, and individuals like Richard Rodriguez, Jenny, you, and I may hold views on and attitudes toward standardized education (as opposed to education in general) that have little in common. This is why from the outset of the essay, you want to establish or describe a relationship between standardized education and the individual–real or hypothetical–in a way that enables you to bring forth an argument. You may, for example, describe the relationship between standardized education and the individual as one that is structured by an uneven access to authority, with the former having the power to dictate the terms and methods of learning, and the latter having little to no power to challenge the former. How does such a relationship influence individual learners who may or may not respond well to authority or structure ? Alternatively, you may describe the relationship between standardized education and the individual as one that is modeled after/for existing personal and social relations that are thought to be productive, orderly, and beneficial to most people. But within such a relationship, how might individuals who are not part of (or do not identify themselves with) the majority feel toward a system of learning that is for the majority? Basically, you can establish or describe the relationship between standardized education and the individual anyway you want, as long as you can build an argument on top of it and support it with good reasoning and concrete examples from the two sources and your own personal experience.