August 31, 2020
Portfolio of Planning Academic Essay
August 31, 2020

Stakeholder Profile

Stakeholder Profile
Order Description
Problem and paper(s) subject:
How Native Americans are at a disadvantage when taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test (ASVAB)

Unit 7, Assignment 1 – Stakeholder Profile

It might seem obvious that the ability to communicate with stakeholders is an important leadership skill when it comes to building coalitions. The more nuanced skill behind the obvious skill, however, is knowing how to identify and understand the stakeholders with whom you need to communicate, and how to use that understanding to ensure an equal voice for all stakeholders in the coalition.

For this assignment, identify the internal and external stakeholders that would support and oppose your action plan. Develop a power versus interest grid (see page 121, Exercise 4.2 of Crosby and Bryson) to identify potential coalition members and their decision-making power.

Use the information that you derived from the power versus interest grid to complete a stakeholder influence diagram (see Exercise 4.5 on pages 137–138 of Crosby and Bryson as well as the media presentation “Building a Coalition” from this unit’s studies).
Submit your diagrams to your instructor for evaluation.

You will use the information you gather in this assignment to complete the Stakeholder Profile portion of your final project.

Building a Coalition
Building a coalition begins by identifying potential stakeholders. Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest in a particular issue.
Coalitions require active commitment. Each coalition member should be prepared to contribute resources that can include time, funds, volunteers, etc.
Coalitions make decisions, devise strategies and coordinate their activities to advance their agreed upon objectives.
Coalitions can be long term or short term and based on a temporary (e.g. an upcoming election) or continuing (e.g. urban poverty) concern.
Coalitions can serve as powerful and influential participants in the policy change cycle.

provide the pages taken out of the Crosby and Bryson text if necessary.