Stages of Concern and Levels of Use Academic Essay

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Stages of Concern and Levels of Use Academic Essay

Write a 2- to 3-page summary of your “Stages of Concern” and “Levels of Use” interview that includes the following:

A brief description of the new or revised practice being implemented by the individual and how long it has been implemented
A description of the interview process and insights you gained about the procedure
Your analysis of the results, including one or more areas in which you would provide support for the individual related to the new practice
An explanation of how these tools support the implementation process and why they are critical to facilitating change. Include one or more specific examples from this week’s ‘Community Middle School: A Case Story of Implementation” reading to support your explanation.

Professional development programs typically include a collaborative team of key stakeholders. However, as you have been learning this week, it is important to recognize that each individual on the team will respond differently to the new or revised practice. It is important to recognize where everyone is in this process in order to address and support them at their particular level of need. Just as effective educators address both cognitive and non-cognitive aspects of student learning, professional developers must pay close attention to adult learners’ attitudes and aspirations, as well as their knowledge, skills, and behaviors. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to focus on a particular individual’s stage of concern related to a new practice and find out about the degree to which the individual is implementing this practice.

If you have not already done so, make arrangements to meet with and interview a colleague at your school or district who has begun to implement a new professional practice within the last year or so. If you are already implementing your professional development program, you can work with someone who is incorporating a new or revised practice related to your program. If you are not implementing your professional development program at this time, you will practice using the “Stages of Concern” and “Levels of Use” interviews with a colleague at your school or district who is implementing a new or revised practice.

Prepare for the interview as follows:

Review and select one of the following stages of concern instruments provided in Chapter 4, “Understanding Feelings and Perceptions about Change” of your course text:
“One-legged interview (OLI)”
“Open-ended concerns statement (OECS)”
Review Figure 5.3, “Format for the LoU Branching Interview” in Chapter 5, “Exploring the Use of Innovations: Levels of Use” of your course text
Make copies of each interview format or bring along your course text
Conduct the interview:

If possible, ask the individual for permission and make an audio recording of the interview. Recording the interview might help you to capture and reflect on comments that might otherwise be missed.

Let the individual know that the purpose of the interview is not to evaluate, but to find out how things are going and provide support for continued improvement.
As recommended in your course text, be sure to probe lightly and ask clarifying questions to gain a better understanding of the individual’s concerns and level of use of the new practice.
Analyze the results:

Use the guidelines in your course text to determine the individual’s stage of concern and level of use related to the new practice
Determine one or more areas in which you would provide support for this individual based on your findings

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Posted on May 13, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions