srategic supply chain management
Case Analysis (15%):
Description, analysis, and evaluation of the course-related aspects of the new DCCW building or another similar building or set of products and processes, 2,000 to 2,500 words (or a maximum of 10 pages) in length.
Quantitative objective: Up to 10 pages or 2500 words (1 margins, font 12, space-and-a-half spacing) on any and all subject-related aspects of the new DCCW building or another sustainable/green/high performance building that has been constructed/remodelled in the last 5 years, anywhere in the world. Any of a number of possible building standards or certifications, such as the Green Point system, LEED, and the Living Building Challenge may be good places to start.
Qualitative objective: While no particular format is specified, please use the description, analysis, and evaluation (or similar terms) approach as an overall guide, paying particular attention to idea development, business English sentence structure, spelling, and attribution of sources, using examples to illustrate your points.
for references we are use Harvard UTS (university technology Sydney)
in addition, i dont know exactly how many, however, i will provide you the exact numbers.
length 2000-2500 words or max 10 pages.
max Turnitin 20%