Cross Training Staff Academic Essay
September 3, 2020
The utilization of ISO standards are voluntary, which gives a company with a complex environmental foot print a choice about what aspects of Categorie
September 3, 2020

spread sheet analysis

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1 paged calculation on how Research & Development of ABC-2 Company on how it impacts sales
by R&D going down from 7.8% to 7% from Quarter 2 to Quarter 3 in 2016
1. what is the impacts on sales variances of McCoy lites & Real McCoy

2. How much extra buffer do we get in sales by going to 7% from 7.8% {i.e. of total sales was $59.6 million, in Quarter 2. How much buffer is there for Quarter 3 on sales.

NOTE: Indicate number lines or Row on spreadsheet {Row 93}where numbers utilized were pulled for the calculations
Spreadsheets and other relevant supporting documents are attached.
HINT: There is a required of ATLEAST 6% on sales BUT this required 6% of sales in R&D is strictly a function of the general spending in row 93 as compared to total sales for the quarter. It does not take any spending in Program Expense account #5 into account, so if you back that amount out of row 93, it is possible that you may not hit the required 6% target for the quarter. Row 93 is supporting the R&D function overall and investigating for future innovation (not implementing the product enhancements already identified – that spending is separate).

Thus, if you take the Program Expense #5 value out of Row 93, it does not get added back in anywhere to be part of the R&D as a % of Sales calculation (the required 6%).