Specific results both phenotypically and genotypically

What technique was probably used to measure the f-state
May 1, 2020
Solution-Why the reverse reaction is slower in the
May 1, 2020

Specific results both phenotypically and genotypically

A cola bean plant has been recently discbered that also produceshigh levels of caffeine. The flavors prodcued by the oil form thesebeans are a potential gold mine. In order to develop thisflavoring oil for sale in the industry you are assigned thetask of producig a pure breeding line of the cafeine producing colabean plants. Cola bea plants are rather difficult to grw and due toprevious selective breeding usually only produce about 25 seeds perbean. The first cros attempted is between a caffeine producingplant and a normal plant. This results in only about half theplants carrying the caffeine producing trait. Next two caffeineproducing plants are crossed resulting in 12 plants that producecaffeine and 7 normal. Repeated attempts with the same crossproduce similar results. Explain the underlying geneticprinciple and specific results both phenotypically and genotypically.

(Is this problem related to quasidominance or lethal alleles)