Solution-Write a paper on vaccines and vaccination

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April 14, 2020
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April 14, 2020

Solution-Write a paper on vaccines and vaccination

Write a Paper on vaccines and vaccination. What they are etc. I have attached my outline. You do not have to cover all topics. Also based a little on opinion (not too much) and that I feel that there are too many vaccinations. Too many given at one time. I don’t believe in giving all the vaccines but think some are necessary. There is harm from vaccines etc.


• What are vaccines?

• Why do we need so many at a young age?

• Why do we need more than one dose of a particular vaccine?

• Are they safe and effective?

• What are the side effects of vaccines?

• Have vaccines accurately been studied and tested?

• What are some of the ingredients in the vaccines?

• What is herd immunity and does it work?

• Why are there vaccines for diseases that have been almost eradicated before the vaccine was introduced?

• Not all diseases are deadly, why do we need vaccines for those?