Solution-Which of the following hormones does not enhance

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Solution-Which of the following hormones does not enhance

1. Which of the following statements is consitent with protein catabolism in the fasted state?

  • High levels of arginine will inhibit urea synthesis
  • The conversion of alpha-ketogluterate to glutamate will be favored in the liver
  • Glutaminase will be very active in the liver to free NH4 that will be used in the urea cycle
  • Glycine will be used as a primary transporter for ammonia from the skeletal muscle to the liver

2. Insulin mediated glucose uptake by muscle and adipose tissue is a result of which of the following mechanisms?

  • Translocation of GLUT1 (Na+/K+ symporter) to the cell surface
  • Passive diffusion
  • Activation of protein kinase A
  • Translocation of GLUT 4 receptors to the cell surface

3. Which of the following hormones does not enhance lipolysis?

  • insulin like growth factor
  • growth hormone
  • thryroid hormone
  • epinephrine

4. Which of the following is a direct impact of growth hormone on metabolic processes?

  • Decrease in hepatic glycogenolysis
  • Decrease in hepatic gluconeogenesis
  • Increase in glucose uptake in skeletal muscle
  • Increase in skeletal muscle protein synthesis

6. There are three key regulatory enzymes in glycolysis. Which of the following answers below lists these enzymes in the correct order in which they are used for glucose catabolism?

  • glucokinase; phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase; phosphofructokinase 1 (PFK1)
  • glucokinase; phosphofructokinase 1 (PFK1); pyruvate kinase
  • pyruvate kinase; pyruvate dehydrogenase; phosphofructokinase 1 (PFK1)
  • pyruvate carboxylase; phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase; phosphofructokinase 2 (PFK2)

7. Glucose cannot be synthesized from the ?-oxidation of even chain fatty acids because:

  • Insulin levels are elevated when fatty acids are being oxidized
  • Acetyl CoA produced in the ?-oxidation of fatty acids cannot be transported out of the mitochondrial matrix
  • Gluconeogenesis is inhibited by acetyl CoA produced in the ?-oxidation of fatty acids
  • The acetyl CoA produced from ?-oxidation is completely oxidized in the TCA cycle

8. The process of beta oxdiation and gluconeogensis are coupled in the fasted state. The acetylCoA produced through beta-oxidation stimulates the activity of which of the following enzymes?

  • Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase I (CSPI)
  • Pepcarboxykinase
  • Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase (CPT)
  • Pyruvate carboxlyase