Choose one of the following three topics for your primary post. Your primary post should address every part of the topic, such as (a), (b), etc. It should also be at least 125 words in length. Additionally, please respond to at least one other discussant.
Topic 1. Tumor suppressor genes in normal and cancerous cells. Address the following:
- (a) In your own words describe the role that tumor suppressor genes play in the cell cycle of a normal (non-cancerous) cells.
- (b) Explain how a mutation in a tumor suppressor gene could lead to cancer.
- Reminder: throughout your answer, use mainly your own words, put quotation marks around any direct quotes and cite your source or sources.
Topic 2. DNA repair genes in normal and cancerous cells. Address the following:
- (a) In your own words describe the role that DNA repair genes play in healthy, normal (non-cancerous) cells.
- (b) Explain how a mutation in a DNA repair gene could lead to cancer.
- Reminder: throughout your answer, use mainly your own words, put quotation marks around any direct quotes and cite your source or sources.
Topic 3. Sexual Reproduction in Unicellular Eukaryotes. Watch the instructor’s video about “Sexual Reproduction in Unicellular Eukaryotes”, which is found in the Instructor Insights section for this week. Then address the following:
- (a) Explain how it is possible for a unicellular organism to reproduce sexually.
- (b) What lines of evidence indicate that S.rosettareproduces sexually?
- (c) What are the advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?
- Reminder: you don’t need to cite my video or the paper it’s based on, but if you use any other sources, you should put quotation marks around any direct quotes and cite your source or sources.