Solution-Relationship between the size of the genome and

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April 11, 2020
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April 11, 2020

Solution-Relationship between the size of the genome and

1-The RNA World Hypothesis (Many people advocate the so-called “RNA World” Hypothesis. Do you agree? What do you feel is the strongest evidence to support it? The weakest?)

2-Genome Complexity: The Functional Role of Intronic DNA (What is the role of intronic DNA and why do you think there is so much of it? Is it “junk DNA”? What is the relationship between the size of the genome and complexity (ie: do more advanced organisms have more genes?)

3-Epigenetics: Gamechanger or Bust?( How does epigenetics circumvent the central dogma? Or does it? Most people are probably somewhat familiar with epigenetics – when it was first discovered people thought it would revolutionize biology. Has it? Where is the field at currently?)

4-Implications of RQC2P( How does Rqc2p fit into the central dogma? What are the critical questions left unanswered (or alternatively, what are the implications of this work?)