Solution-Major achievements in biology

Hydrolysis of pyrophosphate to orthophosphate
April 30, 2020
What percentage of z would you expect
April 30, 2020

Solution-Major achievements in biology

Discoveries in DNA, cell biology, evolution, biotechnology have been among the major achievements in biology over the past 200 years with accelerated discoveries and insights over the last 50 years. Consider the progress we have made in these areas of human knowledge. Present at least three of the discoveries you find to be most important and describe their significance to society, health, and the culture of modern life.

  • Must be a well written paper
  • Must be 2,000 words or more.
  • Must be in APA format with references.
  • Must pass with less than 20% plagiarism rate. (I will not accept the answer if it is over 20%).