Solution-Local communication between cells

Explain what you personally can do to help the issue
May 5, 2020
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May 5, 2020

Solution-Local communication between cells

Cells need to communicate with each other in order for organs and organ systems to develop and function. There are multiple mechanisms by which cells communicate with each other. Circulating hormones (endocrine system) allows communication over long distances between multiple cell types. Paracrine signaling offers local communication between cells. Finally, gap junctions allow communication between adjacent cells.

  • Select one of the following human disorders:
    • Cushing’s Syndrome
    • Localized Cancers
    • Depression

Then include the following for each disorder:

  1. Describe how cellular communication is disrupted.
  2. Hypothesize how you would correct the communication error.
  3. What conclusions can you draw on the importance of cell communication in the human body?