Solution-Identify one component of myplate

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Solution-Identify one component of myplate

(1)  Identify one component of MyPlate that you consider to be a strength – and explain. 

(2) Identify one component of MyPlate that you consider to be a weakness – and explain.

3) if you mother , sister or aunt had high cholesterol and hey physician sugges(1)  Identify one component of MyPlate that you consider to be a strength – and explain. 

(2) Identify one component of MyPlate that you consider to be a weakness – and explain.

3) if you mother , sister or aunt had high cholesterol and hey physician suggested that she takes statins, , what would you advise her to do? What information would you want to have before making that decision . how would you find that information?

You will find more information at:  Identify one component of MyPlate that you consider to be a strength – and explain.