Solution-Explain the pathogenesis of entrapment syndromes

Social and Political Environments IP2
May 2, 2020
Metabolic pathway in plant cells
May 2, 2020

Solution-Explain the pathogenesis of entrapment syndromes

1. While fishing for King crab in Alaska, a man falls overboard into the Bering Seas 33 degree Fahrenheit water. He is rescued after only one minute in the water, but already has moderate hypothermia. Explain the mechanisms involved in the development of hypothermia, and explain the pathogenesis of the symptoms this man will be having.

2. A man has just had a facial cosmetic surgery. Prior to the surgery he asked his surgeon if he should expect scarring. The surgeon replied that the scarring should be minimal because of the type of healing that takes place in such clean incisions. Discuss the process of primary healing, also called healing by first intention. Explain why this type of healing is less likely to scar than secondary healing.

3. After receiving several diagnostic examinations, a man is told that he has systemic hypertension most likely caused by atherosclerosis. Explain the difference between systemic and pulmonary hypertension. Discuss the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and how it leads to hypertension.

4. A chronic smoker is diagnosed with emphysema. The patient is told that the emphysema is impairing his ability to oxygenate his blood. Explain the pathogenesis of emphysema. Also discuss how emphysema impairs the exchange of gases in the lungs.

5. After running a marathon one runner begins having seizures. You hear the paramedics mention that the seizure was caused by severe metabolic acidosis. Discuss the mechanisms involved in causing all four basic types of acid/base imbalance.

6. Suzy is being seen by a fertility specialist for infertility. The physician orders blood hormone testing as a first step in trying to diagnose the infertility. When the tests come back it turns out that pituitary insufficiency is the cause. Explain how hyposecretion of pituitary hormones can lead to infertility.

7. A man is having physical therapy to help regain his gait. He has particular difficulty controlling his left lower limb. When you ask why he needs this therapy you are told that he had a hemorrhagic stroke. In what area of the brain was the stroke most likely? Explain the pathogenesis for a hemorrhagic stroke.

8. While waiting in line at the department of motor vehicles you notice that one of the workers stops working on her computer to massage her wrists. You suspect that she may have carpal tunnel syndrome. Explain the pathogenesis of entrapment syndromes like carpal tunnel syndrome.