Solution-Explain how white blood cells move around the body

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Solution-Explain how white blood cells move around the body

1) Explain the different steps of hemostasis, the formation of blood clots and the different mechanisms of clotting.

2) Describe the main functions of blood and its composition.

3) Describe the composition of plasma, and the function of the different components.

4) Explain the two different groupings of white blood cells (Granulocytes vs Agranulocytes), and the types of white blood cells found in each and their functions.

5) Explain how white blood cells move around the body.

6) Explain the structure of platelets and their functions.

7) Identify how and where red blood cells are formed, the factors that regulate formation, their life span, and where they are broken down.

8) Explain the structure of red blood cells, and the role of hemoglobin.