2. a. At what rate does glucose enter a cell by passive diffusion alone? Estimate a typical cell as an ideal sphere with a diameter of 20 ?m. Remember that the surface area of a cell is 4?r2. The permeability coefficient (P=KD/x) for glucose is 3×10-8 cm/sec. For normal, steady-state values, use [glc]extra = 5 mM, and [glc]cyto = 0.1 mM. Use Fick’s Law and give your answer in molecules per second.
b. If the same cell is expressing 105 GLUT3 proteins (KM = 1.5 mM) in its plasma membrane, each of which can maximally cycle 104 glucose molecules into the cell per second, at what rate will glucose enter the cell by facilitated transport? For easy comparison, give your answer in molecules per second.