Solution-Environmental contamination resulting from the

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Solution-Environmental contamination resulting from the

Following these scenario, please answer the questions.

Earthquake: A magnitude 9 earthquake hit off the coast of Japan. The earthquake triggered a tsunami with a height close to 100 feet, traveling 5 miles inland. A major city and a nuclear reactor were in the path of the tsunami and there was radioactive contamination to the surrounding area. This area traditionally used to grow tea leaves for export.


1. Identify at least two relevant agencies that would be involved in this disaster response and their respective roles, in brief.

2. Characterize the likely environmental contamination resulting from the disaster. Be sure to describe environmental fate, transport, and persistence, where applicable.

3. Identify the population at risk of exposure. Are there any susceptible/sensitive populations of concern?

4. Choose one possible environmental exposure from your provided disaster scenario that has the potential to impact human health. Describe how this exposure would be measured in the population at risk. Be sure to consider characteristics of the exposure (e.g., in both the environment and via biological media).

5. What might be an appropriate study design to determine whether this exposure is related to excess morbidity or mortality in the population, and why?