Solution-Design and carry out a scientific experiment

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April 7, 2020
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April 7, 2020

Solution-Design and carry out a scientific experiment

TOPIC: Paper towel absorbency

Design and carry out a scientific experiment that investigates a topic from either the life, earth or physical sciences and uses appropriate methods, tools, technologies, and quantitative measurement units. For a list of possible science experiment topic ideas refer to the “Topic List” attachment.
Complete a written report (suggested length of 4-8 pages) in which you do the following:

In this task you will use the experimental scientific method to investigate a relevant, testable problem and communicate your findings in an organized written report.

A.  Explain the significance of the given factors in your project design plan:

  • Problem statement
  • Relevance of your testable question

A1.  Literature Review: In a literature review, summarize information from at least two sources. These sources should relate to your topic and experiment design, hypothesis formation, or data analysis (published works or works by other students) and/or provide the foundation for this experiment.   

A2.  In an experimental design, do the following: 

A2a.  Experimental Design Steps: Describe the steps in the experimental procedure.

Note: The level of detail should be such that someone else would be able to reasonably replicate your experiment from your description.

A2b.  Reasoning: Discuss your reasoning for choosing this particular experimental design plan. 

A2c.  Sequence of Events: Explain the sequence of events you will use to collect quantitative data. 

A2d.  Tools, Technologies & Measurement Units: Describe the tools, technologies, and measurement units that will be used to collect quantitative data. 

A3.  Variables: Explain and identify the dependent, independent, and controlled variables for your study. 

A4.  Threat Reduction to Internal Validity: Explain what you will do to reduce the threats to internal validity. 

A5.  Hypothesis: In the hypothesis section, explain how you came up with your hypothesis.

  • Include a clear statement of your hypothesis in your explanation.

B.  Process of Data Collection: Explain the process of data collection (completed after the investigation is conducted)

  • Use appropriate photographs, tables, or diagrams to clearly show the data collection process.

B1.  Appropriate Methods: Discuss your use of appropriate methods, tools, and technologies to collect quantitative data.

  • Use appropriate measurement units to collect quantitative data.

C.  Results: Explain the results of your experiment (completed after the investigation is conducted), including graphical representations (e.g., bar graph, line graph, pie chart, etc.) of the data collected. 

  • Include appropriate measurement units in the graphical representations.

D.  Conclusion: Provide a conclusion derived from your interpretation of the data. Include the following in your conclusion: 

D1.  Confirmation of Hypothesis: Discuss whether your results confirm or refute your hypothesis. 

D2.  Experimental Design as Key Factor: Explain why experimental design is a key factor in the success of the scientific inquiry. 

D3.  Replication: Explain how your investigation can be replicated by someone else. 

D3a.  Evaluation of Validity: Discuss how the replication of an experiment is an evaluation of validity.

E.  When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.