Solution-Describe the costs and benefits of transpiration

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April 11, 2020

Solution-Describe the costs and benefits of transpiration


1. Review the major steps of water molecules’ journey from soil to a tree and into leaves. Describe how sugar from photosynthesis is transported throughout the plant.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper, including the pictures requested below, describing primary and secondary growth in plants and the journey of water and sugar molecules in plants. Include the following points and principles:

• Primary and secondary cells and tissues in plants

o The three types of plant cells are parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma. For each, discuss the basic structure, function, different types for parenchyma and sclerenchyma, and where in the plant they can be found.

o Include a picture of a cross-section of a stem. Label the following structures and then describe each of the following: epidermis, cutin, cuticle, guard cells, stomata, cortex, and vascular bundles.

o What is the function of a lenticel? How are intercellular spaces important for this function?

o Include a picture of a stem, and label the nodes, internodes, apical meristems, leaf buds, and flower buds.

o Describe growth by apical meristems.

o Include a picture of a cross-section of secondary growth in a woody species. Label the primary xylem and phloem, secondary xylem and phloem, fascicular cambium, and interfascicular cambium.

o In woody species, additional tissues are produced in the stem and root by two additional meristems. Name these meristems, and describe how they add secondary growth to the plant.

• Water, sugar, and mineral transport in plants

o Explain how each of the following mechanisms transports substances within the plant: symplast, osmosis, molecular pumps in the membranes, transport vesicles fusing with the plasma membrane, apoplast, and transfer cells.

o Describe the costs and benefits of transpiration for plants.

o Describe how glucose (sugar) is transported within a plant. Use the terms sieve cells, sieve tube members, companion cells, sieve pores, sieve areas, pressure flow hypothesis, sources (provide examples), sinks (provide examples), STM/CC complex, and osmotic potential in your response. Highlight these terms within your answer.

o Explain how water and minerals are absorbed and transported by the root system into the xylem and from the xylem into leaves. Include the terms xylem,tracheids, vessel elements, pit membranes, vessel, adhesion, cohesion,cohesion-tension, and transpiration. Highlight these terms within your answer.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

2. Basic requirements for all Powerpoint Presentations:

• No more than 6 bullet points per slide
• No more than 10 words on each bullet point
• All explanation should be in the slide notes – all slide notes must be CITED.
• Maximum word count for slide notes = 250 words per slide
• Must have an Introduction slide and a conclusion slide
• All images must have an in-text citation underneath them and their full reference should go in the references slide(s)

Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation addressing the following points:

• Provide a picture of a cross-section of a leaf, and label the following parts: epidermis, guard cells, stomata, spongy mesophyll, palisade parenchyma, phloem, and xylem.

• Describe the leaf anatomy by discussing the functions of the above structures. Explain how that anatomy is ideally suited for photosynthesis.

• Provide a picture of a cross-section of a root, and label the following parts: root cap, root apical meristem, zone of elongation, zone of maturation, root hairs, cortex, vascular tissue, ground tissue, endodermis, and the Casparian strip.

• Describe the root anatomy (describe the functions of the structures in the previous bullet) and how that anatomy is ideally suited for growth and absorption of water and minerals from the soil.

• Copy and paste the table from Appendix A into your slideshow. Complete the table with the nutrient functions and signs of deficiency.

Cite your sources according to APA guidelines. See the Center for Writing Excellence for more information on using APA style. A minimum of 2 references is required and a maximum of 2 direct quotes is acceptable.

3. Research a plant hormone of your choice.

Basic requirements for all Powerpoint Presentations:

• No more than 6 bullet points per slide
• No more than 10 words on each bullet point
• All explanation should be in the slide notes – all slide notes must be CITED.
• Maximum word count for slide notes = 250 words per slide
• Must have an Introduction slide and a conclusion slide
• All images must have an in-text citation underneath them and their full reference should go in the references slide(s)

Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation with speaker notes that examines one plant hormone and its role in plant growth and function.

Incorporate the following elements into your presentation:

• Provide an overview of plant hormones and other topics.

• Provide a brief history of scientific inquiry surrounding your hormone. Describe one experiment that led to understanding the hormone’s function.

• Describe the development of structures involved in plant growth, meristems, cambium, flowers, and seeds. What plant structures and functions are associated with the hormone? Explain how it influences plant growth and function. Include a picture to support your explanation. To locate the picture you want to use, select a search engine, and search for the image. Be sure your image is clear.

• Provide a photo or diagram and an explanation of the effects of hormone deficiency and excess on plant growth or function.

• Review the main points of the presentation, and summarize the hormone’s major function for plant growth as a conclusion.

• Include elegant graphics and a reference slide with citations for photos, cartoons, diagrams, and other references.

Cite your sources according to APA guidelines. See the Center for Writing Excellence for more information on using APA style. A minimum of 3 references is required and a maximum of 2 direct quotes is acceptable.