Solution-Create a pathway of excretory kidney

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May 5, 2020
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May 5, 2020

Solution-Create a pathway of excretory kidney


Create a PowerPoint of 30 slides: that includes the following information:

I. Create a pathway of excretory KIDNEY that includes the following:

1. Indicate how the blood, enters, flows, and cleansed the blood throughout the structural kidney sections; Identify the kind of blood that is cleansed in the kidney.

2. Label the sections with an explanation of its cellular structure and function;

3. Identify the kind of fluid that is cleansed in the different renal tubules to the finished product, the urine in the bladder;

4. Explain the purpose of Henle’s Loop;

5. Describe how aldosterone affects the section(s) of the renal tubules regulating Calcium, Potassium absorption and water volume, and sodium.