Professional Communications
October 14, 2020
The way in which women were understood and treated
October 14, 2020

Social work with groups

Social work with groups


A. Consider the activities you are expected to be involved in , You will be involved in planning an hour long example of a group session, cofacilitating a group of peers, working in a task group, preparing a large written proposal together, playing various scripted roles as a group member, actively providing feedback to your peers, and participating in class learning activities delivered by both the instructor and class members. What challenges do you anticipate for yourself? How can you prepare yourself to contribute as meaningfully as possible? (In the second journal you will be asked to reflect on your contribution to the class learning and to give detailed examples of your contribution).

B. There are a number of group leadership skills that are important determinants of group outcomes. What three specific skills do you think are most crucial, and why? How can these skills best be acquired and developed? How might this course help you to develop these skills?
Choose two of the following to respond to.

C. Complete the MAKSS inventory . Consider your assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. What can you do to improve your multicultural competence, considering awareness, knowledge and skills?

D. Chapter 3 deals with ethical and legal considerations related to group counseling. After reading the chapter, review the “Points to Remember” bullet points on page 102 and 103. Which of these points may have relevance to consider in your group proposal? Explain.

E. Chapter 4 deals with forming a group, including proposal writing. Identify five points that prompted your thinking as it relates to your own group proposal.

F. Reflect on your learning immediately after the conclusion of a class. How would you evaluate your contribution to the class, both in process and task functions? What became clearer for you? What remains muddy? What would you say is the most important “take away” learning for you?

G. You have been a part of many groups in school and outside of school. Summarize what the textbook authors describe in chapter 5 as important considerations for group cohesion. Are there additional points that the Coreys did not mention which you think are important to emphasize? Integrating your experience with the remarks from the authors, what do you find to be the most important factors in group cohesion?

H. Review chapter 5 and choose five ideas that you found to be helpful reminders for group leaders when handling the initial stage of a group. In addition to listing these, give some examples to illustrate your points.