Social work placement record and learnt

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August 31, 2020
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August 31, 2020

Social work placement record and learnt

Social work placement record and learnt
Order Description
Read the attached example work first and write it in the template

*****Rmb: Use your own word to re- write similar content of attached example file (Use Social work role and theory) Remind: The case of attached example file is the same.

However, part2 and part 3 of attached example file is ok but need to add more social work role and theory used can be better and explain more. (how to reflecting back to empowering words to validate the conversation) (how i can develop the conversation further using a variety of techniques such as interviewing skills)

Prepare a theory and practice related supervision schedule (Case of attached example file). This should be like a process recording where you capture a part of a strengths based conversation with a client. What you said, what they said and what you said etc. and then give me a reflection analysis about it. How do you think the conversation went? What could you have said instead of what you said etc. (Strength perspective and empowerment approach must be applied)

I think you should focus much on writing part 2 and part 3 of the attached example file. Don’t make the language difficult.