: You! You will write this paper.: Students are asked to write a very brief (double-spaced) paper arguing either for or against the following statement: Science tells us the truth about reality. Yes or no..: This short assignment is designed to give you a chance to practice theoretical thought and critical self-reflectiveness through an articulation of your own view of the matter under consideration. Also, its always a good idea to keep working on academic writing skills.. In other words, what are the assumptions you are making about the world/about knowledge, what hidden preconceptions or class considerations could be getting in the way of your analysis, etc In other words, critique your own thesis after youre done explaining why you think its the correct one.-You do NOT need to use external sources for this paper, although if you do decide that you want to use secondary sources, please ensure that you have a Bibliography detailing where you found your information, as well as adequate referencing. Any accepted academic style (for example, Turabian, Chicago, ALA, etc) is okay, provided that you are consistent throughout. However, if you quote or otherwise use a source, you provide adequate referencing; not to do so constitutes academic dishonesty (for information about the consequences for academic dishonesty, please see the course syllabus). Each paper will be checked for plagiarism. L-Given how very short this assignment is, no late papers will be accepted. Any request will require a written and signed medical or mechanical or funerary note. Please contact me as soon as possible if you think youre going to have problems.-Your thesis should be simple and straightforward: I agree [or disagree] that the conflict model of inquiry Eschew grandiose, mellifluous, yet unnecessarily jejune verbiage! J-Please keep an extra copy of your paper. Students are required to submit a copy immediately if asked (you probably wont be asked, but it is your responsibility to keep a back-up just in case).-if you have any questions, please email me or come see me during our regularly-scheduled office hours.