Social policies and social programs

Pick one of the approaches of either realism, liberalism, International Society or International Political Economy to show how compatible (or not) are
May 11, 2020
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Biochemistry, PNAS, Cell, Nature, Science, etc.—high quality biochemistry or molecular biology journals
May 11, 2020

Social policies and social programs

Topic: Social policies and social programs

Create a table comparing and contrasting the eligibility rules of two different agencies that offer the same type of program. Refer to Table 6.1 on p. 117 of the text.

Select one government agency and either a private or faith-based agency that offers a program for the homeless. Do not select the same agency you chose to analyze throughout the course. Do not use salvation army

Write a brief summary of what you consider the key differences between the eligibility rules of the two agencies.

Post your table as an attachment.