Social Movements and Publicity Campaign

Case-Study: Bundle of Compromises ( negotiation & conflic resolution )
June 17, 2020
Data Analysis & Research Design: Second Assessment
June 17, 2020

Social Movements and Publicity Campaign

Social Movements and Publicity Campaign

Order Description
1. Select 3 movements of social responsibility from the Loeb text (file uploaded). In 3 paragraphs (each paragraph should have 5 sentences or more), briefly describe the 3 movements you selected. Explain the common factors or conditions that contributed to the start of each 3 movement. Select 1 movement and explain why it was successful in making a social change impact. Include contributing factors for the 1 selected movement’s sustainability. 2. Select a relatively recent example (Animal Rights) of a publicity campaign associated with a social issue. In 2 paragraphs (each paragraph should have 5 sentences or more, and you can add additional paragraphs), evaluate the publicity campaign of animal rights: What mediums, messages, and techniques did the campaign employ, and how did these make it effective? What insights you have gained about publicity campaigns and effective dissemination of information that could inform the publicity campaign of animal rights. Note: Do not write introduction & conclusion. Answer in your own words or paraphrase your work. You can research on the Internet or books/journals & you can add additional references.