French Revolution in Enlightenment Era between 1620 and 1789
October 21, 2020
October 21, 2020

Social media

Topic: Social media

Preferred language style: English (U.K.)

There are three sources need to be in the essay which I will upload it for you. The writer must use the three sources only. Moreover, I will upload the information required and the structure. please make sure you follow the required information . I need the outline and the plan of the essay to be send to me once ready.

In this task, students will demonstrate their mastery of the principles of academic research and writing that they have been exploring in this subject. Good academic writing should display evidence of wide reading, critical thinking and the ability to construct a convincing argument based on academic resources.

Task:                 Write an academic essay on acontemporary topic in IT. Argue a position on the question: ‘Developments in IT have created more problems than solutions.’

Length: 1200-1500 words

Format: Academic essay and reference list

Marks:   30%                                                                                         Due:    Week 12


  • Submit a soft copy of your final essay (minus Reference List) to Turnitin. A hard copy of the draft report, including feedback received in class, must be submitted with the hard copy of the final report in Week 12.
  • Use at least three academic references as negotiated with your tutor.
  • Assignments must be free of plagiarism and any citations should be fully referenced in Harvard style.
  • Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Late assignments may attract a penalty unless there are exceptional circumstances and/or you make arrangements in writing with the tutor before the due date or provide documentary evidence of illness or misadventure at the earliest opportunity.
  • Assignments should be submitted with a completed assignment cover sheet and marking feedback sheet stapled to the front.
  • The essay must be stapled or held together by a metal clip. No plastic sleeves or folders.
  • If you would like the assignment and feedback returned to you, also include an A4 stamped, self-addressed envelope.
  • Assignments should be formatted according to the Style Guide in the IACD001 Subject Outline
  • If the assignment receives a Pass mark or higher, the mark is final. Your tutor will explain why you were awarded the mark, but cannot change it. If you receive a Fail, your essay will be double marked by another tutor. This mark is final.