Social Justice 2500 word essay Academic Essay

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Social Justice 2500 word essay Academic Essay

Choose one of the following theories, or principles, of social justice:

(i) Justice as contract (example: Rawls);
evaluating and responding to one of the following social ‘problems’:

(a) Poverty

Note: Particular theorists, or commentators, may differ as to whether a chosen principle, or theory, of social justice is a principle, or theory, of social justice. For further guidance on this, see Appendix 1.

To Clarify:
1.THE chosen theory/principle is: Justice as contract (example: Rawls).
2. The Chosen Social Problem is: Poverty


1. Clarifying the nature of the social problem
2. Using the chosen theory, or principle, of social justice as a critical tool for evaluating and responding to the chosen social problem
3. Demonstrating a critical awareness of the chosen theory, or principle, of social justice.
4. you should define the social problem chosen, and why the chosen theory think that the chosen social problem is a social problem.

See Appendix II to this handbook for further guidance on these assessment criteria.
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Posted on May 19, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions