Social Impact of Cell and Smart Phone Devices (essay) Academic Essay

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Social Impact of Cell and Smart Phone Devices (essay) Academic Essay

I need it done within 6 hours

The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for all students to think about how the circuits learned in this course could be applied to real world problems. The assignment is to write a paper, of three pages or more on one of the following topics:

Social Impact of Cell and Smart Phone Devices

A suggested outline is shown below.

Introduction or Description


Present or Contemporary Usage

Advantages and Disadvantages

Future Concerns and Issues

Conclusion or Summary

Each paper must include a cover page that is not part of the page count. Spacing shall be 1.5 using Times Roman 12 font size. On the cover page be sure to put the following items:

a) Name of Student

b) Name of Instructor

c) Class Number and Title (ECE340 – Electronics I)

d) Major (Electrical or Computer Engineering)

e) Date of Submission

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Posted on May 20, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions