Smoke Detectors
Select a typeface that is clear and readable such as “Times New Roman,” “Arial,” or “Courier.” Use a 12-point font size.
Except for page numbers, leave margins of one inch at the top and bottom and on both sides of the text. Indent the first word of a paragraph one-half inch (or five
spaces) from the left margin. Indent set-off quotations one inch (or ten spaces) from the left margin. Use the flush-left style for the text and leave the right
margin uneven. Do not hyphenate words at the end of a line.
Paper must be double-spaced throughout, including quotations, notes and the list of works cited.
Paper does not need a title page. Instead, beginning one inch from the top of the first page and flush with the left margin, type your name, the instructor’s name,
the course number, and the date on separate lines, double-spacing between the lines. Double-space again and center the title. Double-space also between the lines of
the title, and double-space between the title and the first line of the text. Do not underline the title or put it in quotation marks or type it in all capital
letters. Do not use a period after the title or after any heading in the paper.
Number all pages consecutively throughout the research paper in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin. Type your
last name before the page number, as a precaution in case of misplaced pages. Do not use the abbreviation p. before a page number or add a period, a hyphen, or any
other mark or symbol. Position the first line of text one inch from the top of the page.
Place tables and illustrations as close as possible to the parts of the text to which they relate. A table is labeled Table, given an Arabic numeral, and captioned.
Type both label and caption flush left on separate lines above the table, and capitalize them as you would a title (do not use all capital letters). Give the source
of the table and any notes immediately below the table. To avoid confusion between notes and the text and notes to the table, designate notes to the table with
lowercase letters rather than with numerals. Double-space throughout, making dividing lines as needed. Any other type of illustrative visual material – for example,
a photograph, map, line drawing, graph, or chart, assigned an Arabic numeral, and given a title or caption. A label and title or caption ordinarily appear directly
below the illustration and have the same one-inch margins as the text of the paper.
In the Modern Language Association style, acknowledge sources by keying brief parenthetical citations in the text to an alphabetical list of works that appear at the
end of the paper.
Example: “Most of us talk to the owner/occupant to get information concerning who owns the structure, phone numbers, what may have caused the fire, and whether smoke
detectors operated. But many of us neglect their needs (Coleman 151).”
The list of works cited appears at the end of the paper. Begin the list on a new page and number each page, continuing the page numbers of the text. The page number
appears in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin. Center the title, Works Cited, one inch from the top of the page.
Double-space between the title and the first entry. Begin each entry flush with the left margin: if an entry runs more than one line, indent the subsequent line or
lines one-half inch from the left margin. Double-space the entire list, both between and within entries. Continue the list on as many pages as necessary.
Alphabetize entries in the list of works cited by the author’s last name, using the letter-by-letter system. In this system the letters before the commas that separate
last names and first names determines the alphabetical order of names. Spaces and other punctuation marks are ignored. The letters after the commas are considered only
when two or more last names are identical.
Coleman, John. Incident Management for the Street-Smart Fire Officer. New Jersey: Fire Engineering Books and Videos, 1997.
* Important note: please extend the numbers of pages beyond 15 if there are too many tables, figures or pictures. I do want to see 12 pages of narratives (text only)