During an audit engagement, an auditor is expected to communicate with lawyers concerning litigation, claims, and assessments. Listen below are five s
June 4, 2020
Improving Team Communication
June 4, 2020

SLP Assignment Expectations

For this segment of the Session Long Project, we focus on Organizing.

This is a very important function of management.

Brief reminder:

Main elements of organizational design are:

  1. Work specialization/job enrichment
  2. Departmentalization
  3. Chain of command
  4. Span of control
  5. Centralization/decentralization

Organization Design Forms:




Team based



Human Resources

Organizing is another important function of management. It selects the appropriate design and structures, which allow strategies to be implemented.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Write a 1- to 3-page paper analyzing aspects of Organizing at your selected organization.

Read the Background Materials in depth and apply concepts to facts of organizing.

Please do your best to format your essay according to APA formatting requirements.  Here is a good information source to help you with that:  http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ 

There is an Introduction (providing a roadmap to the paper), A Main Body with subsections (one subsection per item), Conclusions (summary) and a List of References.

Please use titles and headings per each section and subsection.