Sleepy Hollow (1999) Film Viewing Assignment
Paper details:
Complete the following general information about this film* (8 points):
Writers (giving the writing tasks for each)
Cinematographer/Director of Photography
Director: Tim Burton
Production Designer
Costume Designer
The two major actors and their character names
Write brief answers to the following questions:
1. How effective are the special effects (SPFX) employed in Sleepy Hollow? To what degree does the credibility of the entire film depend on the audience believing in these special effects? Explain in four to five sentences. (4 points)
2. How does the editing effectively guide our thoughts, associations, and emotional responses from one image to another so that smooth continuity and coherence are achieved? Explain in four to five sentences. (4 points)
3. Although a thorough analysis of each visual element is impossible, Sleepy Hollow employs certain specialized cinematic techniques. Name two of the camera tools or techniques (see pp. 127-33 and pp. 172, 179-81 for the tools/techniques) that are employed in the film. Justify the memorable visual images aesthetically in terms of their relationship to the whole film. Explain in three to four sentences for each tool/technique. (6 points)
4. Sleepy Hollow is a fantasy/period piece. Are the sets convincing enough to make us believe (during the film) that we are really in another time and place? If so, what factors or details present in the sets contribute to its convincing effect? If a set is not completely convincing, why does it fail? IMPORTANT: This question deals with production design / art direction, not special effects, costumes, or makeup. Explain in detail in four to five sentences by using examples. (4 points)
5. What details of costuming and makeup help the actors be “in character,” and do these factors also play a role in creating a sense of time and place? Explain in four to five sentences. (4 points)