Site Analysis: Mapping as Analytical & Descriptive Academic Essay

August 17, 2020
Topical marketing practice Academic Essay
August 17, 2020

Site Analysis: Mapping as Analytical & Descriptive Academic Essay

there is an important question before you start this assignment, you have to options , either you pick Philadelphia city all the map and you discover (income, family size, age, race, religion , and cultures )or you pick just the downtown area which is very much the areas that around city hall just this area and you discover( income, family size, and ages ,) and i will upload the map for both areas , city hall map and Philadelphia map, and pick which area you find it easy to work with and i will put 3 charts but that doesn’t mean you should do 3 charts i just put that because i know that should cost more than one chart but if you feel doing one chart thats ok and you can go more if you want to and i upload examples for you to help you , but as soon as you start doing this order plz tell me what you pick the city hall map or Philadelphia map then take your time to finish it

it is very important that you make a big effort this weekend to create a map that embodies these concepts, represents a thorough understanding of the site and of your research category.

We expect a successful mapping . If you are done in less time, challenge yourself with the following questions:

1) What is my thesis, what question is my mapping trying to answer?
2) Do I have at least 4 variables identified?
3) What am I comparing? What is the contextual information I need to offer understanding of my data and analysis?
4) How is time addressed? ( decades, years, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
5) can I / should I show multiple scales
6) How are the qualitative aspects of the analysis shown?
7) Is my graphic clear?
8) Is my mapping revealing relationships and conclusions?
9) Are photographs used effectively, and is information filtered to show only what is relevant to my analysis?
10) How is text being used to help guide and inform my audience
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Posted on May 20, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions