Simplicity in Music

December 9, 2019
Obesity in Oklahoma
December 9, 2019

Simplicity in Music

Simplicity in Music


Read: Botton, Alain de. “The Virtues of Buildings” in The Architecture of Happiness (Hamish Hamilton, London, 2006) 83 – 123.

1.In “Virtues of Buildings,” Alain de Botton compares the virtues of buildings to being as slippery to define as virtues in humans: “Analogising architecture with ethics helps us discern that there is unlikely ever to be a single source of beauty in a building, just as no one quality can ever underpin excellence in a person. Traits need to arise at congruous moments, and in particular combination, to be effective.”
Discuss de Botton’s idea of some of the virtues of buildings. Compare them with Leach’s idea of authenticity in music (attached here for reference). Do they share any similarities?

2.we have learned that simplicity is often used as a tool of protest when the status quo, for a certain group of people, is not longer being represented.
What are some of the commonalities between all of the musical styles that we have researched?
We have also learned that the quantity of simplicity is easily measurable, and the quality of simplicity is personal. And, in the words of de Botton, there needs to be a ‘combination’ of qualities to ‘underpin excellence.’ List your own combination of attributes (or ‘virtues’) that you find invaluable for assessing a successful return to simplicity.
Please saperate two answers.