simplicity beats complixity (effect on accuracy of setting and design of diagnostic test in healthcare
Order Description
* theory: less complicated diagnostic test machine and simple setting will have more accurate patient result ( observational-retrospective study) using the visual field machines in ophthalmology
* the determine factor is the RELIABILITY FACTOR in the test( result should be 10-20).
* the main idea: simplicity VS complexity
* the sample is 200 patients ( equally divided) between 2 machines; one is a big machine in a big room and the other one is small and compact machine in a smaller room with other machines.
* literature review for 12 marketing journals minimum.( preferably on the net so I can access it if I was asked from my prof.)
* in the discussion: add to the discussion the observations from the patients about the test; like in the big room they are afraid from the test because they think its complicated and dangerous like MRI machine or something…, or the big machine in the big room means the test will need a longer time…..etc.
* manipulate the number to prove the theory but also in a small part mention some argument against it.
* full research design:
Abstract, introduction, objective, hypothesis, literature review, result, discussion , appendix, reference( full research paper).