an argumentative essay on the topic: “Determine similarities and differences with respect to the treatment of Aboriginal youth by the governments of Canada and Australia, in particular, during the period when the Juvenile Delinquent Act was the significant influencing legislative factor within the Canadian Youth Justice system. How does the film – Rabbit Proof Fence help us to understand the social and legal environment present at that time?” The essay will have a minimum length of 1200 words with at least two reference sources in addition to the course text. The submission must be to APA standards. Students will be evaluated according to the attached rubric. Thesis ? Easily identifiable, believable, original, well-developed, clear thesis that states a definite point to be argued. Structure of the essay ? Overall structure of essay is clear and excellent organization is evident to strategically argue the point of view. ? Opening paragraph provides appropriate and thorough background for the thesis. ? Excellent transitions from point to point. ? Paragraphs support solid topic sentences and contain points relevant to the topic. ? Conclusion is strong and clearly brings closure to the argument. Use of Evidence ? Primary source information and/or quality secondary source information used to support every point with at least one example. ? Examples support topic and fit within each paragraph. ? Smooth integration of quoted material into sentence. Analysis ? Clearly relates evidence to topic sentences and to larger thesis. ? Analysis is fresh and exciting, posing new ways to think about the material and to make connections among different sources. Logic and Argumentation ? All ideas in the paper flow logically; the arguments are identifiable, reasonable, and supported by evidence. ? Anticipates and successfully refutes/disproves objections or counter-arguments ? Makes original connections to outside material (whether from the class, other classes, or independent research) that illuminates the thesis and its constituent parts. Mechanics, Grammar, Professional Format ? Mainly error free. ? Uses APA citation correctly. ? Meets and exceeds all requirements for an excellent academic response. ? Meets and exceeds all requirements of the assignment.