‘Silent’ Diseases Academic Essay

Corporate governance. Academic Essay
August 20, 2020
Discussion Question Week 2
August 21, 2020

‘Silent’ Diseases Academic Essay

________________ is the name of a condition in women where normal

balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted and replaced by an overgrowth

of certain bacteria.

a. herpes

b. bacterial vaginosis

c. chlaymdia

d. syphills
HIV kills for damages the body’s_________

a. liver cells

b. immune systems cells

c. prostate cells

d. all of the above
The __________ the concentration of HIV in semen or genital fluids, the more

likely it is that HIV will be transmitted to a sex partner.

a. lower

b. weaker

c. higher

d. all of the above

Which STD is known as a “silent” disease because the majority of infected

people have no symptoms?

a. chlamydia

b. syphills

c. herpes

d. gonorrhea

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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions