Fire Safety Design and Technology in Modern High-Rise Office Buildings
May 14, 2020
analysis of organizational change at HomeDepot company after nardelli ( Frank Blake)
May 14, 2020

SIDS (sudden infant death)

SIDS (sudden infant death)

1. Topic Idea?
2. Specific purpose?I want my audience to €¦€¦€¦
3. How might the thought of presenting YOUR topic to YOUR audience impact how you should present the content of your speech? [In other words, how do things like age, gender, race, socio-economic status, familiarity with your subject (or the lack-there-of) warrant a unique approach to how you will present this subject?]
4. What will make you credible enough to speak on this topic? Be specific. (i.e. €“ Personal experience in conjunction with research, long-term interest in the topic, a part of one’s cultural beliefs, etc.)