Topic: Assignment 2
September 27, 2020
Science and Materials
September 28, 2020


Discussion 8 Topic 3: Treating Schizophrenia
Successful treatment for people with schizophrenia rarely includes complete recovery. However, the quality of life for these individuals can be meaningfully affected by combining antipsychotic medications with psychosocial approaches, employment support, and community-based and family interventions.? Treatment typically involves antipsychotic drugs that are usually administered with a variety of psychosocial treatments, with the goal of reducing relapse and improving skills in deficits and compliance in taking the medications. The effectiveness of treatment is limited because schizophrenia is typically a chronic disorder.
Outside of antipsychotic medications, what other treatments for this disorder are discussed in your textbook? Name and describe 1 alternative treatment. What is the effectiveness of the treatment you chose? What is the general consensus about the treatment you chose among mental health professionals?
Please respond to this post in a minimum of 2 paragraphs and a maximum of 3 paragraphs. Please cite your work whenever necessary (this includes both your textbook and outside sources). Proper spelling and grammar matters, so please take the time to read over your work before posting.

my text book can substitute the sources

Barlow, D.H. & Durand, V.M. (2009). Abnormal psychology: An integrative approach. (4th ed.). New York, NY: Thomson.
Unfortunately, I do not have access to this book. I hope you will be able to find it yourself.