Should Whites teach African American History?
Paper instructions:
Topic: Should Whites teach African American History?
Please mention how we changed from Racism in Education to Should Whites teach African American History?
In this Session Long Project you will discuss what we know about your topic. In this part of the SLP, you will be doing a literature search on recent professional journal issues on your topic. Look in recent issues of professional literature, peer studies and research, and books. You may want to adjust your topic based on the amount of literature on the topic. At this point in the SLP, you will be setting up the background for the next section. Remember that your discussion is based on the literature search and what the literature says about the topic.
Reviewing the literature will not only inform you about current research completed by others; it can also help strengthen your points. Consult the APA and TUI guides to see the correct format for paraphrasing references within your paper. Here is an example of how to cite a reference: According to Banks (1997), students from diverse regional, social-class, religious, ethnic, and racial groups often achieve at different levels in the common schools.